Launceston, Tasmania (1/9/07)
My last couple of days in Tasmania were fairly quiet. After Port Arthur, I drove up the East coast as far as a place called Sansea: I stopped there because I noticed it had several interesting looking restaurants. Looking further, I found one of the best backpackers I have ever stayed atOnly one thing was lackingYep, there was pretty much no-one about, apart from a group of three contractors who were using it as their base. Surprising really, as Swansea had a lot going for it in terms of a nice sea-side location, lots of accomodation providers and some decent restaurants. At least, I think this one was decent, it looked good from the outsideBut my fancy was taken by Bank - they were having a curry night, and very good it was too. The staff was fantastic - I left with a list of restaurants to eat at for the rest of my stay in Tasmania (never found a one of them!). I was sad to leave Swansea, but the only place I knew I wanted to go to before I left home was St Helens: what a waste of time! I had the YHA entirely to my self (the owner did come in and reveal he had married a woman from Dunedin and had spent quite a bit of time there himself). I went on a wild goose chase out into the countryside to find the restaurant my friends at Bank had sent me to, but never did. By the time I hit town again, just before 8 on a FRIDAY NIGHT, everything was closed, except for the pizza shop, who told me I was their last order and I'd have to take away. So I found some beer at the pub, took my pizza back to my lonely hostel and had a very quiet night indeed.
I made up for it the next night in Launceston. After a very pleasant Thai meal, I went to a gig by a duo from Brisbane called Chicks in Docs - exactly what they were.This photo came out badly, but I kind of like itAnd thus ended my first, but unlikely to be my last, visit to Tasmania.
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